Mass Media Tips

Read these 94 Mass Media Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about German tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Who is "Der Pyrolator"?

Der Pyrolator

"Der Pyrolator" was another example of innovative German music of the late 1970s. Read the bio - in German - here:

Where can I get information on German progressive music?

Stationen der Rockmusik

Are you interested in the history of Rock'n Roll from a German perspective? Would you like to find out what the main genres in German music since the 1950s are? Is your knowledge of German intermediate to advanced? Then "Stationen der Rockmusik" is for you. It is a history of rock, with emphasis on Germany, in German:

Which newspaper covers Germany as a whole?

Die Zeit

Die Zeit is an excellent national German newspaper. Not for beginners, but for those who have mastered the German language. Comes with a ton of information. Can be compared to the US Wall Street Journal.

Which music mags should I buy?

Visions Magazine

This is a great monthly music mag, which comes with a CD. They cover a wide variety of different music styles and also cover all the festivals, parties, events and other cultural activities you might want to know more about. Price under DM 10, mag is in German.

Which Fehlfarben records are available?

Fehlfarben recommended listening

Get those records!!!

1) MONARCHIE UND ALLTAG (1980) Welt-Rekord 1C 064.46150
2) 33 TAGE IN KETTEN (1981) Welt-Rekord 1C 064.46380
3) GLUT UND ASCHE (1983) Welt-Rekord 1C 064.46715

Where can I watch German television online?

SFB Berlin

You can watch German newsreels online by visiting the Sender Freies Berlin homepage. They have a vast archive of the news programs "Die Abendschau" and "Heute". You may either read the headlines or watch the videos. The "Abendschau" videos are 20 minutes long. All information is in German.

Where can I listen to German radio?

Bayern Drei

Bayern Drei is one of Germany's major public TV stations. Fortunately for those abroad, they also offer a lot of their programs online for free. You can listen to individual news broadcasts, music, cultural news & the weather, or subscribe to several free newsletters. The site is well-organized and very informative. Give it a try:

What is Ata Tak Records?

Ata Tak record label & history

There are not many 'alternative' German labels left, and even fewer, which sell online, or ship worldwide. If you want to get your hands on Neue Deutsche Welle bands, or post-punk and avantgarde, check out Ata Tak. Ata Tak Records was one of Germany's most influential record labels in the 1970s and 1980s. They have a limited quantity of very rare vinyl, which was found in the basement :-).Check out their offers, shipping policy and history here:

All information is in German.

Which "Der Plan" records should I buy?

Der Plan recommended listening

Buy these records!!!

Der Plan:
1) GERI REIG (1979) Ata Tak WR 003
2) NORMALETTE SURPRISE (1981) Ata Tak WR 007
3) DIE LETZTE RACHE (1983) Ata Tak WR 017

Der Pyrolator:
1) INLAND (1979) Ata Tak WR 002
2) AUSLAND (1981) Ata Tak WR 010

Where can I get information on Schicke, Fuehrs and Fruehling?

Nordsee Records

Read Nordsee Records'interview with Schicke, Fuehrs and Fruehling for an overview about the German music scene of the late 60s and early 70s. Page is in English:

Where can I find information on Krautrock bands?

Information on Krautrock bands

Find Information about the following Krautrock bands: Message - Harlis - Schwoißfuaß - Rodgau Monotones - Octopus - Streetmark - Triumvirat - Satin Whale - Bullfrog - Shaa Khan - Ihre Kinder - Bap - Ramses - Gate.

What is the Baedecker Reisefuehrer Deutschland?

Baedecker Deutschland

Get this reliable Baedecker travel guide about Germany. The articles are brief and to the point. You get infos on tours, landscapes, history, cities, weather, travel tips & the like. Comes with tons of addresses and a map.

Baedecker Deutschland, Verlag Karl Baedecker, ISBN 3-89525-697-8 (ca. DM 20)

What is "Das Handelsblatt"?

Das Handelsblatt online

This is a good online version of the German business magazine "Das Handelsblatt":

The Handelsblatt is a sort of German “Economist”

What kind of modern German history book should I read?

The Germans

"The Germans" deals with major trends and particularities of Germany's development from an empire (Kaiserreich) to a dictatorship (Drittes Reich) and finally to a moden federal republic. It describes the raise of National Socialism (late Weimarer Republik) and the resulting break of the country into two German states (BRD - DDR). The book is insightful, original and highly interesting. In English. Recommended reading.
The Germans - Power Struggle and the Development of Habitus in the 19th and 20th Century, by Norbert Elias, Columbia University Press, New York, 1996, 0 - 231 - 10563 - 0 (translated from the German).

Where can I find information about Munich?

Merian travel guide for Munich

The Merian Munich travel guide gives you a quick overview of the city. Lots of pictures. Inexpensive. In German.
Merian. Das Monatsheft der Städte und Landschaften München. DM 14.80, new edition 1994, Gräfe & Unzer

Where can I find information about Bavaria?

The Kompass Munich city guide

This is an inexpensive city guide about Munich with a map included. Kompaß Stadtführer München (Nr.580), ca. DM 10. By Erika Schüler, 7th Edition 1995, 64 pages, Kompass-Karten 3-87051-437-X.

Who is Helge Schneider?

Helge Schneider

Everybody needs to listen to Helge Schneider at least once. Try to obtain a copy of his album "Seine Groessten Erfolge" (vinyl 1989, CD 1991), which features such hits as "Maedchen wollen kuessen", "Texas", "100 000 Rosen schick ich Dir", and "Gefunkt". Helge is featured in several German films, the best-known of which are "Johnny Flash", "Texas", "Praxis Dr. Hasenbein" and "00 Schneider".

What is a good travel guide for the Black Forest?

Baedecker Schwarzwald

Prepare your holidays in the Black Forest with the "Baedeker Allianz Reisefuehrer, Schwarzwald"
444 pages, Mairs Geogr. Vlg., O.; ISBN: 3875045572
(DM 39,80,EUR 20,34)

Baedecker guides are always a safe bet, and so is this one. It is full of relevant information and comes with a very comprehensive address guide and map.

Click on this link to find out more:

Where can I find information on winter sports in Germany?

Die schoensten Wintersportgebiete

"Die schoensten Wintersportgebiete in den Bayerischen Alpen" - Skifahren, Snowboarding, Loipen, Einkehr.
by Stefan Herbke (DM 9,90, EUR 5,06)

The Bavarian Alps are an ideal destination for both the beginner and the more experienced skiing fan. Stefan Hebke's book lists and describes a large number of addresses, winter holiday tips, accommodation and skiing resorts in this area. Special emphasis is placed on skiing and snow boarding information. An inexpensive book, but a great deal of information. Find out more here:

What is a typical mag for German women?


A typical mag addressing German females. Full of fashion, recipes and household stuff. Easy to read.

What are German teenagers reading?


A German mag for teenagers. Muisc, fashion, pains of growing up. Best part: the 'ask the doctor' section.

Where can I get information on the Bodensee?

Reise Revue Bodensee

The Reise Revue Bodensee is full of tips, addresses and useful information for your trip to the Bodensee area. Oder your copy from Etro Verlag GmbH & Co Kg, Postfach 2002, D - 63624 Bad Soden - Salmuenster, Germany. Call + (49) (0) 6056 9102 00 for more information.

Where do I find information on concerts & tours?

WOM Journal

WOM Journal is a free WOM store publication, in which you can find information on new bands & albums, re-releases, websites, tours and all kind of music-related matters. It comes out every month, and it is surprisingly good.

How can I get concert tickets by mail?

Mama Concerts & Rau GmbH

Mama Concerts promotes bands & tours, they also sell tickets. For more info call + (49) (0) 89 9929 220, or send a mail to

Where can I get the daily news without paying for a paper?


Most German towns have at least one library. Admission is generally free. Most subscribe to a variety of newspapers and magazines. Some have books in foreign languages, audio tapes, CDs and videos. You may have to register if you want to check out books.

What are outstanding recordings by Kraftwerk?


Recommended listening for the band Kraftwerk:

1. Kraftwerk (1970)
2. 2 (1972)
3. Ralf und Florian (1973)
4. Autobahn (1974)
5. Radioaktivitaet (1975)
6. Transeuropa Express (1977)
7. Mensch Maschine (1978)
8. Computerwelt (1981)
9. Electric Cafe (1986)
10. The Mix (1991)

Where can I find information about Franken?

Polyglott travel guide for Franken

The Polyglott travel guide for Franken describes the landscape of northern Bavaria (Fraenkische Schweiz).

Franken by Willy Heckel, new edition 1998, 96 pages, DM 12,90, Polyglott, M., 3-493-62619-3

Where can I read typical German gossip?


Bunte is a mag dealing with gossip, the media, celebrities, culture and other matters, which interest the German community. Not the gutter press, but sometimes comes close.

Which dictionaries should I consult?

Pons Dictionary

Try to get yourself a copy of the German PONS dictionary (English-German & vice versa). Comes in two volumes. Examples, grammar, usuage, weights & measures and abbreviations are included. Highly recommended. Information on my copy below, but you might want to obtain a more recent version. Info: Pons Globalwoerterbuch, Englisch-Deutsch, von Roland Breitsprecher ...,
Klett, Stuttgart, 1983, William Collins Sons & Co Ltd., ISBN 3-12-517131-8.

Where can I buy German books, music and videos?

Der Buchwurm

DER BUCHWURM is an excellent source for German books, music, video films and periodicals.

DER BUCHWURM, PO Box 268, Templeton, California 93465-0268, USA. Telephone: 805-238-2353 Fax: 805-238-9523 E-Mail:
Home page:

Who is Nina Hagen?

Nina Hagen

Born in East Germany, Nina Hagen had already gained a reputation as a flamboyant rock singer by the time she emigrated to the West in 1976, where she formed a band, signed to CBS Germany, and released their debut album, Nina Hagen Band, in 1978. It was followed in 1980 by Unbehagen. Hagen's first U.S. release was a four-song EP consisting of songs drawn from her two German releases, Nina Hagen Band EP (1980). She moved to New York and made her first English-language LP, Nunsexmonkrock, in 1982. That and its follow-up, the Giorgio Moroder-produced Fearless (1983), charted briefly, and "New York New York" was a Top Ten dance club hit. But Hagen left CBS after Nina Hagen in Ekstacy (1985). In 1988, she celebrated her marriage with the EP Punk Wedding, released in Canada, and in 1989 she returned to the German market with Nina Hagen (source: William Ruhlmann, All Music Guide).
Look at Nina's discography here:

Where can I find recipes for Christmas baking?

Weihnachtliches Backen

"Alfons Schuhbecks Weihnachtliches Backen"
von Alfons Schuhbeck
DM 19,90 (EUR 10,17)

Alfons Schuhbeck is one of Germany's leading chefs. In this book he shares his best holiday recipes concentrating on baking. If you need inspiration for your holiday baking you will find it here. More details available at:

How do I throw a Fasching party?
Where can I find books on German Christmas customs?


by Sandra Skrein
DM 39,90 (EUR 20,40)

This book helps you to celebrate the holidays without stress. Sandra Krein's tips include wrapping presents, setting the table, decorating the house, making candles, cakes, cookies, and creating a festive atmosphere. You do not need to be Martha Stewart to make use of these tips. Find out more here:

How can I get concert tickets by mail?

Marek Lieberberg Konzertagentur GmbH

This promoter sends out tickets for concerts by mail to any destination in Germany. For details call + (49) (0) 69 956 202 26, or visit

What is Krautrock?


Krautrock describes German music recorded in the late 60s up to the early 80s. Check out bands such as Can, Hoelderlin, Novalis, Guru Guru, Cluster, Blonker, Fuehrs & Fruehling, Message, Ruphus, early Kraftwerk, Gate, Jane, Grobschnitt, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, and the Release Muisc Orchestra. Go to to search for these bands.

What kind of modern German history book should I read?

The Weimar Republic Sourcebook

The Weimar Republic is one of the most important and resonant eras of the 20th century. The Weimar Republic Sourcebook is the best source of original texts from and about the Weimar Republic I have come across so far. It is indespensable: close to 700 pages, plenty of illustrations and a great bibliography section. Some texts appear in English for the first time. This book will not only interest those who enjoy history. It is far too comprehensive for that. At the same time, it is easily digestable and of general interest to anyone who is interested in German life, literature, politics and culture. Get your copy now.
The Weimar Republic Sourcebook, by Anton Kaes, Martin Jay, Edward Dimenberg (Eds), University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1994, 0 - 520 - 06775 - 4

Where can I listen to music by "Die Fehlfarben"?

Die Fehlfarben at Ata Tak

Die Fehlfarben was one of Germany's first wave bands. In the early 80s, they originated out of the legendary punk band Mittagspause (Mipau), who, sadly, only put out a couple of 7 " singles. Check out the Fehlfarben page at Ata Tak Records:

--- read more about Die Fehlfarben and listen to some of their music.

All information is in German.

Where can I buy Krautrock?


It is difficult to obtain rare German vinyl from the 60s to the 90s. You can try, but chances are the material is already deleted. Try this instead: Buy rare German progressive music and Krautrock at Recordpark, or download their catalog. Page is in English, they accept Mastercard and Visa. Check this out:

Where can I get information on Can?


Read a short history of Can in English:

Page is excellent!

Who are DAF?

DAF - Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft

Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft's music followed the path that had been mapped out by Kraftwerk. Their music is dance-oriented, sometimes experimental, & their lyrics included a lot of German. The band is now defunct. You can find mp3s at For more information on the band, including a discography in English, visit:

Where can I get information about Diogenes books?

Diogenes books

The Swiss publisher Diogenes - known for its excellent paperbacks - has a website now.

Where can I get info on new German books?

Book tips from Brigitte mag

Visit Brigitte online and get the latest book tips for free.

Page is in German.

Where can I order rare German New Wave?

Ata Tak Catalog 2000

"Der Ata Tak Katalog 2000" offers a lot of German goodies from the late 1970s through 2000. Some very rare stuff, too. You can order with a credit card, they accept Mastercard or Eurocard.

Who is "Der Plan"?

Der Plan bio in German

How to decribe Der Plan? Think Residents meet Sex Pistols and Monty Python. Der Plan sang entirely in German, which was extraordinary in the late 70s and early 80s. Their concerts were a mix of theater, performance, noise ritual and satire. I consider them one of Germany's best wave & avantgarde bands. Check out their German bio here:

Tip: Try to listen to "Gefaehrliche Clowns", this song is a ten on a scale of ten.

Where can I listen to music by "Der Plan"?

Der Plan mp3s

Still uncertain if you want to buy music by "Der Plan", or not? - (yes, these albums are rare and expensive). There are two ways to listen to the band for free. You can go to and become a registered user (which is free), and you will be able to download full "Der Plan" mp3s from others (I did it,it works!) Alternatively, you can go to their German record label, read and listen to free music samples there. The URL is:

What is the Krautrock directory?

The Krautrock Directory

Would you like to read interviews with Holger Czukay, Amon Duul, Klaus Schulze or Michael Rother? Are you trying to find record shops, which carry Krautrock? Do you care to read what Mojo, Melody Maker and Wired say about German rock? Then The Krautrock Directory is for you. This page has it all: links to websites, Krautrock artists, articles, interviews and shopping. Amazing!!!

What German mag comes close to the National Geographic?


A mag that is surprisingly like the US National Geopraphic mag. Great photos, interesting stories.

Where can I read music mags for free?

A note on German music mags

There is a multitude of German music mags available, but none of them are cheap. Tip: read them at a public library. You will probably find them in the kids/teenager department.

Who wrote "Sturm und Drang" literature?

Classic German Literature

Here is a selection of "classic" German literature, drama & poetry from the 18th century ("Sturm und Drang"):

1771 Goethe: Willkommen und Abschied; Mailied; Heideroeschen (Sesenheimer Lieder)
1773 Goethe: Goetz von Berlichingen; Buerger: Der Bauer
1774 Goethe: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, Prometheus
1776 Klinger: Sturm und Drang (der Wirrwarr)
1779 Herder: Volkslieder
1780 Goethe: Ueber allen Gipfeln
1781 Schiller: Die Raeuber
1782 Schiller: Gedichte; Goethe: Der Erlkoenig
1784 Schiller: Kabale und Liebe
1785 Schiller: An die Freude
1786 Buerger: Muenchhausen
1787 Goethe: Iphigenie auf Taurus, Schiller: Don Carlos; Schubart: Kaplied

You might find a lot of this online, or in print from

Where can I read articles on Krautrock?

A Taste of Krautrock

Get a taste of Krautrock - in English:

This page is good!

Which are the major German daily newspapers?

Der Tagesspiegel

Der Tagesspiegel is a Berlin daily newspaper. The weekend edition is recommended for its features and cultural content.

Where do I find information on Guru Guru?

Guru Guru discography

Check out Guru Guru's discography:

Page is in some Eastern European language, but discography is English.

Where can I buy books in German?

Free book reviews at

Go to for lots of infos on what Germany is currently reading. The site is similar to its US-parent, but it is in German.

Which 19th century authors should I read?

German realism and naturalism

Realism and naturalism was a major literary trend in 19th centuary Germany. Try these authors:

Christian Friedrich Hebbel (1813 - 1863): Die Nibelungen
Theodor Storm (1817 - 1888): Gedichte, Novellen, Der Schimmelreiter
Gottfried Keller (1819 - 1890): Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe, Kleider machen Leute, Zuericher Novellen
Gerhart Hauptmann (1862 - 1946): Bahnwaerter Thiel, Die Ratten
Arno Holz (1863 - 1929): Die Kunst, ihr Wesen und ihre Gesetze; Revolution der Lyrik, Phantasus.

Where is the Fehlfarben homepage?

Fehlfarben 2001

German wave band Fehlfarben have been around since the 1980s, so I assumed they would not be active anymore. Wrong! I found that their mp3s are still widely available - try - , and so is information on these guys. Check out what they are currently up to by visiting the official homepage of "Die Fehlfarben". It contains lyrics, news, pics and recording information. Very good page, in German:

Where can I get information about Kunstmann books?

Kunstmann books

Kunstmann publishing company has an interesting website:

Where can I get information on Sat3 TV?

Sat3 Website

Sat3 TV online is a must for anyone who is interested in German culture:

How can I contact the Klett Publishing Company?

Klett Publishing Company

How to contact the Klett Publishing Company:


Orders by mail:
Klett International
Postfach 10 60 16
D-70049 Stuttgart

Who is Germ Attack?

Germ Attack

These guys are a Berlin punk band. They are good. So far, they have released a couple of 7" singles and three CDs, one of which is a tribute to Blondie. Unfortunately, they are no longer touring. hosts one downloadable Germ Attack mp3. Go to for a listing of other free Germ Attack mp3s, or read the Germ Attack bio (in German) to find out more:

You can contact their manager if you send me an e-mail, and I will forward the address.

Where can I get information on "Die Fehlfarben"?

German Bands Archive at Clickfish

Clickfish hosts an impressive archive about German bands, from the well-known to the lesser-known. They feature bios, record recommendations, news and links. For an example of how this works, check out the history of the Band Fehlfarben (in detail and in German) here:

Which newspaper covers Germany as a whole?

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) is directed at businessmen. Good cultural coverage, too.

Who is Andreas Dorau?

Andreas Dorau

Andreas Dorau started his career at 15. Read his German bio here:

His first hit was "Fred vom Jupiter". Check out Dorau's debut album "Tulpen und Narzissen" if you can get it (try

What is the Brain Festival?

Brain Festival Essen I and II

Consists of two record sets (4 albums) recorded live at the Brain Festival in Essen in 1977 and 1978. Rare, but re-released on CD. Features Gate, Novalis, Fuehrs and Fruehling, Message, Jane, Guru Guru, Ruphus, The Release Music Orchestra, To Be, SFF, Blonker, and RMO.

Where can I subscribe to German magazines?

TRAVIX Online Magazine Subscriptions

TRAVIX online magazine subscriptions are available at:

- only for people based in Germany

Where can I find German book reviews?

Go to for book-related information, reviews and online shopping.

What is a typical mag for German women?


A journal for women between 18 and 40. Somewhat like the US mag "Jane".

Where can I find up-to-date information on German politics?

Der Spiegel

Der Spiegel is an excellent political/satirical/cultural mag. It deals with both German & international matters. Also available online. Read this!

Where can I download Germ Attack MP3s?

Free Mp3s by German punk bands

Step no 1 would be to make a list of the bands you are interested in and do a search at If you cannot find anything try step no 2: Open an account at Registration is free. Download their free software and swap files with other users. Their German music archive is HUGE. Do it know, it is too good to last long. Step no 3: if nothing of this works, send me a mail and I'll see what I can do :-)

Where can I get information on Novalis?


Novalis were one of the top Krautrock bands in the late 1960s to 70s. Although they were not as famous as Tangerine Dream, they are well worth checking out, especially if you like bands such as Pink Floyd. It is tricky to find information about them online (there just isn't a lot). You want to try the following link to get information about Novalis, this page is in German and quite good:

Where do I find information on concerts & tours?


Kulturnews is a free monthly music mag, which you can pick up at any World of Music (WOM) store. It is quite good, considering that it does not cost anything.

Where can I find info on German traditions?
How can I get concert tickets by mail?

MCT Konzertagentur GmbH

Order your tickets for the German concert season from MCT by calling + (49) (0) 30 5363 8200. If in Berlin you can also order from, or send a mail to The office is located at Potsdamer Strasse 58, D - 10785 Berlin (subway stop Kurfuerstenstrasse, U1).

Which are the major German daily newspapers?

Berliner Morgenpost

The Berliner Morgenpost is a typical German newspaper, directed at the general public, not the expert (he would read Die Zeit and FAZ). The weekend edition is a must for apartment hunters.

Where can I find info on WOM records?

WOM records online

WOM records is now available online:

Information on current blockbusters, events and more.

Where can I get information about German beat bands?

Beat in Deutschland

"Beat in Deutschland" is a history of German beat (in German) with links to related topics. Excellent!

Who is "The Bernd!"?

The Bernd!

The Bernd! is the manager of the Berlin band "Germ Attack". Find out more about his latest (punk rock-related) activities (& Germ Attack) here:

All information is in German.

What is Stern magazine?

Stern magazine online

The German 'Der Stern' is a magazine similar to the US mag "Talk". Go to

to read it online for free.

Where do I find information on Goldmann books?

Goldmann books

Goldmann, the publisher of mass paperbacks, is now available online. For more info go to:

Who are "Die Fehlfarben"?

Die Fehlfarben Bio

Die Fehlfarben were (and are) one of Germany's best New Wave bands. Their first vinyl album "Monarchie und Alltag" was praised nationally for its melodic content & clever use of German in an everyday context. They also paved the way for artists such as Extrabreit and the Neue Deutsche Welle as a whole. Check out their bio (in German) here:

Where can I find information about Oberbayern?

Marco Polo travel guide about Oberbayern

The Marco Polo travel guide about Oberbauern (Upper Bavaria) gives you a quick overview about the region. With insider tips, ca DM 12,80.
Marco Polo. Reisen mit Insider-Tips. Oberbayern. Ed. by Ferdinand Ranft, 1997, Hans E. Rübesamen, Mairs Geographischer Verlag, 3-89525-364-2

Where can I upload my MP3s?

Free MP3s, free uploads

Load up your music for free at MP3 Artists, or listen to MP3s here:

Where can I find info about Reclam books?

Reclam books

You will find plenty of information about the Reclam publishing company and its products at:

What is the German gutter press?


BZ - Berliner Zeitung - is a typical gutter press paper. Sometimes hilarious, but mostly nasty. Appeals to the "people of simple interests". Enough said.

Where can I get information on Langenscheidt books?

Langenscheidt Publishers

Go to the Langenscheidt Homepage to find out more about their excellent books and dictionaries. All information in German. They also send out a free newsletter and have an online dictionary for you to test. Copy and paste this in your browser:

Which music mags should I buy?

German edition of Rolling Stone

Read the German verson of Rolling Stone and find out what's going on. This publication is surprisingly good, they do cover a lot of German bands in addition to news about trends, culture & politics from all over the world. Definitely worth a try. Magazine is in German.

How can I get concert tickets by mail?

Moderne Welt Ton GmbH

Moderne Welt Ton is a concert promoter specializing in the sale of tickets by mail (only within Germany). Call + (49) (0) 711 954 74 74, or visit

Where can I buy German books online?

BOL books online

BOL is an international bookseller. They have a good selection of science, history and other non-fictional German (and other language) books. There is an impressive selection of books for college students. Browse their archives at:

Where can I buy bargain books and other media?


Find rare books, CDs, videos, maps, games, toys and art at Zweitausendeins. This is a German bargain basement chain with outlets in most major cities. Sign up for their free catalog if you are in Germany for longer. Order your stuff online at:

Where can I find German Christmas recipes?

Stollen, Kipferl und Co

"Stollen, Kipferl und Co"
by Peter Gaymann
DM 12,90 (EUR 6,59)

A Christmas recipe collection for the gourmet cook. Bake traditional German Stollen, cookies, & cakes and amaze your family. The recipes are mouth-watering. More information here:

Where can I learn more about Richard Wagner?

Cosima Wagner's Journals

Cosima Wagner`s Diaries - An Abridgement. Edited and introduced by Geoffrey Skelton. 524 pages. Paperback edition 1994, Yale University Press, New Haven and London. ISBN: 0-300-06904-9

If you are interested in Richard Wagner buy this immediately!!!

Unfortunately this book was not available from Amazon, when I last checked. I got my copy from Daedalus Books, for less than $ 5.

Who are Slime?


Slime were one of Germany's first 'real' punk bands, or punk pioneers, starting out in the late 1970s. So, it is amazing that they still exist in 2001. They were also the first German punk band to have their lyrics censored (in the song "Polizei, SA, SS"). You can download the uncensored versions at For a full bio of the band, visit:

This information is in German.

Where can I buy books in German?

Free Book Catalog from Buecherstube

Get your free book catalog at, or call 1 - 888 - BUECHER (toll free). They sell German books and music.

Where can I find information about Der Deutsche Taschenbuchverlag?

Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag

Der Deutsche Taschenbuchverlag (DTV) publishes excellent literature for children, but the rest of its program is also very good. Find out more by going to:

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