German Links

German Tip Book
Aschaffenburg, Mainviereck
Accommodation in Wolfenbuettel
Accommodation in Zwickau
Miltenberg, Mainviereck
Wellness weeks in Allgaeu, Bavaria
Dinkelsdorf am Bodensee
Gaienhofen am Bodensee
Bayrischer Wald
Accommodation in Worms
Hotels in Aachen
Hotels in Bamberg
Bavarian Alps
Accommodation in Wismar
General travel info
St. Peter-Ording, North Sea
Hotels in Germany
Hagnau am Bodensee
Hotels in and near Munich
Hotels in Bavaria
Beauty Spas
Beauty & Wellness in 27 countries
Schwarzwald Tourist Information
Eriskirch am Bodensee
Holidays on a Bavarian farm
Accommodation in Baden-Baden
Accommodation in Wolfsburg
Lueneburger Heide
Berlin Wall Page
S-Bahn sightseeing
Rent a limousine
Humboldt University
Yellow Walking Tour Company
Online sightseeing information
BVG Travel Tourism
Hire a BVG bus
BVG Call Center
Jewish Cemetery
Stadtmagazin 030
Unter den Linden
Museum 'Haus am Checkpoint Charlie'
Tipinfo computer
Market on Winterfeldtplatz
Traces of the GDR
Stattreisen Berlin e. V.
Walking Tours
Jagdschloss Grunewald
Subway Train Museum at the Stellwerk
Botanischer Garten
Berlin von hinten
Television Tower
Cheap sightseeing on bus 100
Zitadelle Spandau
Gedenkstaette Berliner Mauer
Potsdamer Platz
Aspects of the Third Reich
Art:Berlin Tours
Turkish Market
Haus der Wannseekonferenz
Reederei Ridel GmbH
Reederei Bruno Winkler
Neue Nationalgalerie
Museeumsdorf Dueppel
Berliner Museumsinsel
Buddhistisches Haus
Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt
Presse- und Informationsamt Berlin
Angel of Peace / Victory Column
Castle of Charlottenburg
Bruecke Museum
Guided Berlin Sightseeing Tours
Museum fuer Voelkerkunde
New government quarter
Wall Special
Go on a yellow Doppeldecker bus
Trabrennbahn Mariendorf
Domaene Dahlem
BVG City Tours
St. Hedwig's Cathedral
Technikmuseum Berlin
Deutsches Technikmuseum
The German Bundestag in Berlin
Restaurant Berliner Fernsehturm - Telecafe
Blue Moon
Shopping after hours
Berlin photos
Tourist information via the telephone
Free tourist information 2
Real British Fish and Chips
Gaststaette Hoecke
Gelbe Musik
Lost Property Office
Tegel Airport
Another Country 2nd hand bookstore
Radio stations
English Language TV
Vending machines for public transport travel tickets
Subway map & newsletter
BVG webpage
Hugendubel bookstore
Kiepert bookstore
Tip Magazine
Zitty Magazine
Hugo Heinemann Library
Buying BVG tickets at subway U8
Buffalo Records, Arts and Gallery
Hans-Juergen-Hillmann Groceries
Car Rental at Tegel Airport
Rare stamps and coins
Zweite Hand (secondhand magazine)
Moon Dance Musiccenter
Restaurant Kohldampf
BVG souvenirs
Holst am Zoo
Hansa Library
Buying BVG tickets at subway U5
Virtual sightseeing
Berlin map online
Berlin city map
Online restaurant guide
Scenario & New Noise
Trippen Designer Shoes
Ride sharing phone numbers
Hairdresser Maik Baber
Subway map in English
Ideas for sightseeing
Buecherhalle - 2nd hand books
The Automate Supermarket
Free tourist information 1
Jugendgaestehaus Nordufer
Info on exhibits at the Haus am Checkpoint Charlie
Tattoo Connection
Tresor Store
Tuerkischer Imbiss
Concerts at the Schwartzsche Villa
Fire brigade and emergency medical aid
Railway travel information
Emergency dental service
ADAC Road Patrol
Buying BVG tickets at subway U2
Gasthaus "Zur Rippe"
Berlin Carre
Alexander Braeu
"Do as you please"
Crisis Hotline for Girls
Deeroy's Dub Store
Made in Berlin
Bicycle Rickshaws
Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt
Poison emergency calls
Shop like a Berliner
Swimming in Wannsee
Fleamarket at Fehrbelliner Platz
Cheap accommodation
Boating in Wannsee and Tegel
World of Music stores
Spiritual Guidance
BVG Shopping Booklet
Buying BVG tickets at subway U1/U15
Hennes & Mauritz (H&M)
Free information
Check Point Clothes
Museumspaedagogischer Dienst
Deutsche Oper Berlin
Restaurant Austria
Crime Books in English
Mr. Dead and Mrs. Free
Eis Henning
Restaurant Gips-Diele
Berlin Nightlife
Cafe Lux
Cafe Swing
Floez Jazzclub
Bar am Luetzowplatz
Cafe am Ufer
Die Insel on the Freundschaftsinsel
90 Grad Update
Hard Rock Cafe
Destille cafe & bar
Schwarzes Cafe
Cafe Anfall
Renaissance Theater
Abba Lounge
Paris Bar
Dicke Wirtin
Berlin by night boat tours
90 Grad
Delicious Doughnuts
Terminal Disco
Kumpelnest 3000
Call a cab
Hiring a cab at a cab stand
Wild at Heart
Guppi Bar
Subway 9 nightline
Astro Bar
SO 36
Duncker Club
Cafe Einstein
Sage Club
Schmalzwald Club
Sundance Restaurant
Far Out
German Food
Tall, blond, blue eyes
The stiff German
The German language
German weather
The Autobahn
American misbehaviour
Behaviour on guided tours
Behaviour at movie theaters
Making Complaints
German Christmas Portal
The St. Nikolaus (Nicklas) Page
Zab Zab Zebra Ideenbank
Glossary of German Christmas terms
German souvenirs for the holidays
German Carnival
Holiday food
German Christmas customs
Fasnet-Forum fuer Sueddeutschland und die Schweiz
The Munich Oktoberfest
German Easter Activities
German carnival
Das Karnivalsregister
German New Year customs
The Origin of Easter
Konstanzer Fastnacht
Fastnacht Photos
St. Nicklas' Day
Nikolaustag procedures
End-of-Summer Party
Silvester Party Page
Some terms Bavarian
"Du" vs. "Sie"
German perceptions of Americans
Buying rounds in bars
Drinking beer
Garden gnomes
Setting a proper table
Private dinner invitations
Conduct at the post office
Calling hours for private phone calls
Activities for the fall holidays
Fun activity for kids: kite flying
Getting your child into Kindergarten
Finding out when your kid is ready for school
Foreign languages
School Lunch
Physical Education
Lenghth of German school lessons
School Books
Grammar school or secondary modern?
Numerus Clausus and the university
Finding the right university
Famous Germans
George Grosz
Lucas von Cranach
Biographies and quotes
Theodor Heuss
Rosa Luxemburg
Karl Liebknecht
Ernst Thaelmann
Willy Brandt
William II
Ludwig II
Theodor W. Adorno
Goethe Links on the Internet
Thomas Mann
Symbolism in Goethe's Faust
Kurt Tucholsky
Cosima Wagner's Journals
Goethe's Faust Online
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Richard Wagner's Life
Wagner Sites on the web
Cosima Wagner
Cosima Wagner's parents
Ludwig II and the Wagners
Siegfried Wagner
Wagner Sites on the web
Cosima Wagner and Hans von Buelow
Creme Fraiche
Harzer Kaese
Deutscher Tilsitter
Readymade salads
Shopping afterhours
Buy a bottle opener
Shopping Carts
Hard to find ingredients for German recipes
Buying wine
Buying cheese
Buying bread
Rote Gruetze
Pepperoni pizza
Schultheiss Bier
Verlorene Eier
Armer Ritter
Berliner Weisse
Health Food Stores
Mexican Restaurants
Pommes mit Majo
Tuerkische Pizza
A note on potato chips
Drinking alcohol in restaurants
Peanut Butter
Koelln Multikorn Flocken
Haus des Frankenweins
Soft Ice
Buying vegetables
A note on German cigarettes
Saving money going to restaurants
Getting reduced bakery goods
Ice cubes and free refills
Jewer Bier
Shopping at the market
Visit university cafeterias
Sarkoidosis sufferers - eat onions
Stung by a bee?
Saure Gurke
Hamburgers & Fast Food
Lebkuchen Schmidt
Buy German Brands at
Nancy Potter's Stollen
Dimpfmeier Bakery Ltd.
Authentic Bavarian Baked Breads
Kuhns Delicatessen
Frankfurter Wurst
Leberwurst - details
Wiesenhof Happy Chicken
Kassler, Kasseler
Holsteiner Wurst
Schwarzwaelder Schinken
Deutsche Salami
Thueringer Wurst
Fun stuff, free stuff
Online downloads
Virtual trip through Berlin
German Internet Awards Page
Free newsletter from Chefkoch
Kostnix Freebies
Free downloads from Barmer
TRAVIX Search Engine
TRAVIX Forum for Singles
Free Crossword Puzzles
Free newsletter from Infoquelle
Free PhotoPrint CD from HERMA
Free Muntermacher-newsletter
Safety online
Free samples of products
Free downloads for cell phones
Surftips newsletter (in German)
German musicians wanted
Free newsletter from Germancorner
German chatroom abreviations list
Free counter for your homepage
Free newsletters in German
German Companies
Hanse Merkur travel insurance
Kempe Jewelry
Loewe Electronics and Hifi
IBM Germany
Thyssen Krupp Steel
The new Audi A 2 is available!
German stocks
Checklist: Health and Emergencies
AIDS Help Germany
Health services in Berlin
German health products
Mouth/tooth/gum problems
Sports accidents
Klosterfrau Melissengeist
Emergency doctor Berlin
Berlin emergency dentist
Kampfhunde - attack dogs
Migraines, rheuma, skin problems
Bad breath remedy
Ratiopharm generic products
Bad cold health tips
Emergency rooms
Blood test
Dental appointments
Find a doctor who speaks English
Visiting nurses
Family doctor, GP
Health insurance
24-hour emergency doctor for Berlin
Infos zu Kurt Tucholsky
Fragen an die deutsche Geschichte
Informationen zu den Kreuzzuegen
Die germanische Volksversammlung
Die Haeuser der Germanen
Die Germanen
Informationen ueber Martin Luther
Die Hunnen
Wiener Kongress
Die Cherusker
Die Sueben
Der Fronhof
Die Ernaehrung der Bauern im Frankenreich
Deutschland im Herbst 1989
Leserbriefe an
Informationen ueber Karl Marx
Die rechtsextreme Partei NPD
Judenverfolgung im Dritten Reich
Informationen ueber Herman Goering
Informationen ueber Heinrich Himmler
Informationen ueber Adolf Hitler
Die Kleidung der Germanen
Koenig Ludwig II von Bayern Vereine
Schroeder im Bundeskanzlerbau
Deutsche Geschichte von 1945 - 1990
Deutsch-japanische Beziehungen in den 30er Jahren
Karl der Grosse
Demographische Verschiebungen im 2ten Weltkrieg
Liberale Parteien Deutschlands
Goetterglauben der germanischen Staemme
Germanische Goetterverehrung
Wartburgfest 1817
Aussenpolitik unter Adolf Hitler
Informationen ueber Erwin Rommel
Invasion 1944
Dreissigjaehriger Krieg
Informationen zum Dritten Reich
1. Weltkrieg
Ideologie der NPD in den 60er Jahren
Nationalsozialistische Weltanschauung
Wirtschaftspolitik des Dritten Reichs
Informationen ueber Joseph Goebbels
Infos zu Koenig Ludwig II. von Bayern
Ein Newsletter zur deutschen Geschichte
Schwaben, Schwabenland
Informationen zum Templer-Orden
Informationen zu Willy Brandt
Great portal for German history links
Countries involved in World War II
Info on the Weimar Republic online
Information on Ludwig II of Bavaria
East Germany
Counties of East Germany
The Berlin Wall
Preparations for war
Poland and France fall
The Battle of Britain
Rise of Nazi Germany
Total Control
Laws and crimes against Jews
Historical Franken
Money since 1871
New stuff from
The Blockade
The Non-Aggression Pact and the start of World War II
In King Ludwig II's Footsteps
50 Years of German History
Stern history portal
Liederkranz Society
Books about Ludwig II of Bavaria
George I of England
The Cold War (Kalter Krieg)
German History Newsletter
The Industrialization of Prussia
Academies and Universities
The Brandenburg Sand-bowl
Workshops and Large-scale Industry
Promotion of Commerce
Discipline and Order
Important Facts
What is the euro?
Effects of the euro on travelers
How long are the old currencies valid?
The Euro Quiz
Countries sharing the EURO
Euro vs. DM
The aims of a commom monetary policy
Free stuff from the post office
About the editor of
Muetterzentrum Bundesverband e. V.
What time is it?
Finding a person with a common name in Germany
Site Changes May 2001
Forgotten German zip codes
The Reichstag
The Social Democrats (SPD)
Klaus Wowereit
The Christian Democrats (CDU)
The Free Democrats (FDP)
Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen
The Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
US embassies in Germany
The US Consulate General
Buying English books in Germany
Post Office Page
Postage rates
Exchanging foreign currency
Free services at pharmacies
Making phone calls
Buying postage stamps
International Operator
Extra services at gas stations
German Government Webpages
German Operator
Telephone wake up call
Time by phone
Get a good travel guide before you go
Getting free travel information
Making copies of passports, IDs etc.
North and South
Ossis and Wessis
The GDR Photo album
Cheap Breakfast on the Go
Your luggage gets stolen
Rent a Cell Phone
Information in German
Das Hildebrandslied
Wir sind das Volk
Die Deutsche Einheit
Zeitzeugen 9. November 1989
Das Volksbuch von Till Eulenspiegel
Das Sandmaennchen
Die Goldelse
Freies Stellengesuch bei 'Die Welt'
Spezialitaten aus dem Rheingau
Weine aus dem Rheingau
Internet Informationen auf Deutsch
Musiker und Autoren gesucht
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Christkindlmarkt online
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG)
Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren (HGF)
Bestseller in Deutschland im September
Mit dem Fernseher Deutsch lernen
Typ 2 Diabetis
Mit dem Auto sicher in den Winterurlaub
Radwandern im Rheingau
Kurorte im Rheingau
Berliner BVG und Euro
Reisenewsletter von Travix-GmbH (
Wolters Reisen
Wochenend-Ticket und BahnCard teurer
Urlaubskataloge online bestellen
Diadem Reisen
Netreisen in die Tuerkei
Learning German
Donna's Favorite Sausage Expressions
ein Rad ab
"Auf Liederreise"
Free copy of Das Fenster Magazine
Newsletter from Zeit
IIK Duesseldorf
Free newspapers and magazines
How to type German Umlauts
Newsreport "Tagesthemen"
The personal pronoun "sie"
Make them speak German!
Subscribe to Das Fenster Magazine
Free Post Office Planner
The German sound "CH"
The Umlaut
The neutral article 'das'
Berlitz Language Schools
Ostler, Ossis
Westler, Wessis
The Stammtisch in Seguin, TX
German radio in Florida
Learning German in Berlin
Free "Apothekenmagazin"
German Spellchecker for Winword
The Goethe Institute
Learn German with 'Der Spiegel'
German scrabble
Look at homepages of German students
Free samples of German literature
A.L.I.C.E speaks German
Hyde Flippo is your guide!
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
German for businesses
How Berlin speaks
Look up German words and phrases
German for travelers
Learning German online
Learning German online, for foreigners
The German Internet Project
Need help doing homework?
German information for students
German as a foreign language
A pen pal for Mike
Place an ad in Das Fenster magazine
Place free ads online
Get yourself a pen-pal
Mass Media
Beat in Deutschland
Der Buchwurm
The German Way
Free Book Catalog from Buecherstube
Diogenes books
Goldmann books
Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag
Classic German Literature
BOL books online
Klett Publishing Company
Kunstmann books
Reclam books
Langenscheidt Publishers
German realism and naturalism
Cosima Wagner's Journals
Stollen, Kipferl und Co
Free book reviews at
Pons Dictionary
Kinder feiern Fasching
The Germans
The Weimar Republic Sourcebook
Book tips from Brigitte mag
Weihnachtliches Backen
Baedecker Deutschland
Die schoensten Wintersportgebiete
Merian travel guide for Munich
Polyglott travel guide for Franken
Baedecker Schwarzwald
Marco Polo travel guide about Oberbayern
The Kompass Munich city guide
Reise Revue Bodensee
Brain Festival Essen I and II
Information on Krautrock bands
A Taste of Krautrock
The Krautrock Directory
Nordsee Records
Guru Guru discography
Stationen der Rockmusik
Die Zeit
Der Spiegel
Der Tagesspiegel
Das Handelsblatt online
TRAVIX Online Magazine Subscriptions
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Berliner Morgenpost
Stern magazine online
Visions Magazine
WOM records online
Marek Lieberberg Konzertagentur GmbH
Mama Concerts & Rau GmbH
MCT Konzertagentur GmbH
German edition of Rolling Stone
A note on German music mags
Moderne Welt Ton GmbH
Helge Schneider
Free MP3s, free uploads
WOM Journal
Die Fehlfarben Bio
Der Plan mp3s
Andreas Dorau
Ata Tak Catalog 2000
Die Fehlfarben at Ata Tak
Der Plan recommended listening
Der Pyrolator
Ata Tak record label & history
German Bands Archive at Clickfish
Fehlfarben 2001
Germ Attack
Free Mp3s by German punk bands
The Bernd!
Nina Hagen
Der Plan bio in German
Fehlfarben recommended listening
DAF - Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
SFB Berlin
Sat3 Website
Bayern Drei
Beer Bread
Deutsche Blaubeertorte
German Apfelstrudel
Linzer Torte
German Pancakes
German Peach and Cream Kuchen
German Fruit Salad
Bavarian Apple Schmarren
Taste of Home
German Cookbook for Americans
Fruit Bowle
Deutsche Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut
German Meatloaf (Hackbraten)
German Pork Rolls (Rouladen)
Salatrezept der Woche
Rezepte der Knorr Spaghetteria
Ideen mit Pfanni Kartoffelprodukten
General equivalents (Pt.1)
General equivalents (Pt.2)
Was die Grossmutter noch wusste
Green Eggs for Easter
Liptauer Cheese
Soft German Pretzels
Knorr recipes online
Maggi Kochstudio
German recipes and tips
Huehner's Kochecke
Huehner's Kocheckenrezepte
Recipes from Suedwestdeutscher Rundfunk
German Pizza recipes online
Free German Recipes from Brigitte mag
Grossmutters Kueche
German recipes online
German Potato Salad recipes online
German Egg Noodles
German Mashed Potatoes
German Potato Salad with Broth
Deutsche Kartoffelsuppe
Bavarian Sausage Salad
Bavarian Potato Salad
German Potato Salad with Bacon
Deutsche Kartoffelsuppe mit Bohnen
Kunstforum art online
Products from the former GDR
Home improvement catalog
Free catalogs from Katalogkommt
TRAVIX online shopping
TRAVIX Catalog Center
Saechsische Spezialitaeten Hartmann GmbH
Souvenir scams
Chocolate and other candies
Buying flowers
Tyrol International
Get the Berlin watch
Free postcards
Avoid getting ripped off
Nuernberger Lebkuchen
The Best of My Grandmother's German Cookery
Micke's favorite site for smokers
Living Luxury
Special seasonal sales
Get a Swatch
Koelnisch Wasser
Black Forest
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
The Medieval Crime Museum
Germany's Archive on Witchcraft
Mini World Museum in Rothenburg
Doll & Toy Museum, Rothenburg
Ice Skating in Dresden
DDCity Dresden
Lower Saxony
Palace Schwetzingen in Baden Wuertemberg
Munich Oktoberfest 2001 Sweepstakes
Dresden links
Sightseeing in Weimar
Online Photo Gallery
The Schwarzwald Net
North Rhine-Westphalia
Sightseeing in Munich
Bremen - some details
Car rentals at Bremen Airport
Car rentals at Koeln/Bonn Airport
Plane schedules for Dortmund
Immersion coil
Rent a bicycle
Dresden Singles
Inexpensive lifesavers
Food to go
WDR Travel Service
Last minute trips
Parking fines
Travel Pro German Travel
Carnival in Cologne
Car rentals at Stuttgart airport
Cell phones
Urlaubstraum Travel Agent
Deutsche Bundesbahn
Having bus fares ready
Asking the way
Car rentals at Duesseldorf Airport
Car rentals at Frankfurt Airport
Car rentals at Hamburg Airport
Car rentals at Hannover Airport
Car rentals at Munich Airport
Subway cops
Time Zone
Free DJH catalog
Ski & Surf Company Catalog
German Airports & Smoking
Baggage carts
Use the public transport system
DB - The Railway System
City info Wertheim
German hairspray
Deutsche Bahn Service
ADAC car breakdown service
Miniguide for your German vacation
German Railway Page
Gilch's Ski Page
Winter sports in Bavaria
Abenteuer und Sportreisen GmbH
Free brochure about the Black Forest
Hair dryer
DDCity Dresden
Weather report by phone
Weather trends in Germany
Extra sweater
Weather forecast on the radio
Weather forecast on tv
Weather news in German at
Take an umbrella
Work in Germany for Foreigners
Association for International Cooperation
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
Carl Duisberg Society
German Culture Board
Working as a Foreigner in Germany
German Foundation for International Development
Int. Youth Exchange
German Teachers in Foreign Countries
German Int. Theater Institute
Institute for Scientific Films GmbH
Forgot to register at the Einwohnermeldeamt
Waiting at the Einwohnermeldeamt
Papers to submit at the Einwohnermeldeamt
Press Office of the Federal German Government
Unesco Germany
Colloquium for Literature Berlin
German Foreign Office
Society for the Promotion of Literature
Pedagogic Exchange Service PAD
Deutsche Welle
German Music Board
Franco-German Youth Office
Universite Franco-Allemande
Exchange Program University Leipzig
House of Cultures of the World
German Academic Exchange Service DAAD
CVs and resumes
CV and resume content
Institute for Relations with Foreign Countries
Goethe Institute
German Newsletter Archive
Angel of Peace / Victory Column
Aspects of the Third Reich
Berlin von hinten
Berliner Museumsinsel
Botanischer Garten
Bruecke Museum
Castle of Charlottenburg
Domaene Dahlem
Haus der Wannseekonferenz
Museum fuer Voelkerkunde
Neue Nationalgalerie
New government quarter
S-Bahn sightseeing
The German Bundestag in Berlin
Trabrennbahn Mariendorf
Traces of the GDR
Turkish Market
Unter den Linden
Walking Tours
Zitadelle Spandau
Cosima Wagner´s Journals
Classic German Literature
German realism and naturalism
Pons Dictionary
Stollen, Kipferl und Co
The Germans
The Weimar Republic Sourcebook
Weihnachtliches Backen
Baedecker Deutschland
Baedecker Schwarzwald
Die schoensten Wintersportgebiete
Nancy Potter´s Stollen
Dimpfmeier Bakery Ltd.
Avoid getting ripped off
Chocolate and other candies
Free postcards
Get the Berlin watch
Nuernberger Lebkuchen
Souvenir scams
Special seasonal sales
Schroeder im Bundeskanzlerbau
Free downloads from Barmer
Schwarzwald Tourist Information
Activities for the fall holidays
Finding the right university
Getting your child into Kindergarten
Grammar school or secondary modern?
Numerus Clausus and the university
"Du" vs. "Sie"
American misbehaviour
Behaviour at movie theaters
Behaviour on guided tours
Das Karnivalsregister
End-of-Summer Party
Fasnet-Forum fuer Sueddeutschland und die Schweiz
German carnival
German Carnival
German Christmas customs
German Christmas Portal
Glossary of German Christmas terms
Holiday food
Some terms Bavarian
St. Nicklas´ Day
The Munich Oktoberfest
Making Complaints
Cosima Wagner´s Journals
Ernst Thaelmann
George Grosz
Karl Liebknecht
Kurt Tucholsky
Ludwig II
Wagner Sites on the web
Theodor W. Adorno
Richard Wagner´s Life
Rosa Luxemburg
Theodor Heuss
Wagner Sites on the web
William II
Willy Brandt
Leberwurst - details
Dental appointments
Family doctor, GP
Health insurance
Bestseller in Deutschland im September
Das Hildebrandslied
Das Volksbuch von Till Eulenspiegel
Die Deutsche Einheit
Mit dem Auto sicher in den Winterurlaub
Radwandern im Rheingau
Wochenend-Ticket und BahnCard teurer
Wolters Reisen
Zeitzeugen 9. November 1989
A.L.I.C.E speaks German
The Krautrock Directory
Die Fehlfarben at Ata Tak
Die Fehlfarben Bio
Der Plan bio in German
Stationen der Rockmusik
Tyrol International
Bayern Drei
Buying English books in Germany
Extra services at gas stations
Finding a person with a common name in Germany
Free services at pharmacies
Get a good travel guide before you go
Getting free travel information
Making phone calls
North and South
Ossis and Wessis
Postage rates
Site Changes May 2001
Your luggage gets stolen
German Government Webpages
The US Consulate General
Helge Schneider
Der Plan mp3s
Fehlfarben 2001
German Bands Archive at Clickfish
Ata Tak record label & history
Germ Attack
Free Mp3s by German punk bands
Nina Hagen
DAF - Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Micke´s favorite site for smokers
Buy German Brands at
German souvenirs for the holidays
The Goethe Institute
SFB Berlin
What is the euro?
Effects of the euro on travelers
The Christian Democrats (CDU)
The Social Democrats (SPD)
Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen
Bavarian Potato Salad
Bavarian Sausage Salad
Beer Bread
Bavarian Apple Schmarren
Deutsche Blaubeertorte
Deutsche Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut
Deutsche Kartoffelsuppe
Deutsche Kartoffelsuppe mit Bohnen
Fruit Bowle
German Apfelstrudel
German Cookbook for Americans
German Egg Noodles
German Fruit Salad
German Mashed Potatoes
German Meatloaf (Hackbraten)
German Pancakes
German Peach and Cream Kuchen
German Pork Rolls (Rouladen)
German Potato Salad with Bacon
German recipes and tips
Klaus Wowereit
Hyde Flippo is your guide!
Presse- und Informationsamt Berlin
Nikolaustag procedures
German New Year customs
How to type German Umlauts
The aims of a commom monetary policy
Berliner BVG und Euro
General equivalents (Pt.1)
General equivalents (Pt.2)
Garden gnomes
Setting a proper table
Green Eggs for Easter
The Origin of Easter
German Easter Activities
Netreisen in die Tuerkei
Readymade salads
Diadem Reisen
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Linzer Torte
Symbolism in Goethe´s Faust
Goethe Links on the Internet
Cheap Breakfast on the Go
Rent a Cell Phone
Deutsches Technikmuseum
Workshops and Large-scale Industry
Discipline and Order
The Brandenburg Sand-bowl
The Industrialization of Prussia
Academies and Universities
Promotion of Commerce
Stadtmagazin 030
Typ 2 Diabetis
Cell phones
Immersion coil
Inexpensive lifesavers
Food to go
Thomas Mann
The Reichstag
DB - The Railway System
German Potato Salad with Broth
Euro vs. DM
How long are the old currencies valid?
About the editor of
The Circus Hostels Berlin
Merry Christmas, froehliche Weihnachten
German Holiday Stationary
Patienteninfo Berlin
The Globetrotter Hostel Odyssee
The Pegasus Hostel
The Aletto Jugendhotel
Cars and Cabs
Getting Kids Ready For School
German Festivals
German Bratkartoffeln
German Apple Pancakes
The Bodensee Region
Old Style German Potato Salad
Tour Berlin as an Insider
Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin
The Einwohnermeldeamt
Visa Affairs #2
Trends in Shopping
Some Facts about German Bread
Visa Questions
German Travel Information
Turkey The German Way
German Health Information
German Potato Soup With Beans
Kassel And The Dokumenta
Getting There By Air
Berlin By Bike
Get Ready For The Easter Bunny
More About German Schools
German Schools
The Berlin Bear
Berlin - What You Get For Your Money
Car Travel in Germany
How to buy books
Pairing German Wine with Food
Health and Insurance
Saving on German Groceries
German Meatballs
New Year`s Eve
Advent Customs
Accommodation in Berlin
German Winter Sales
Getting Ready For The Holidays
Buying German Books
Traveling by Train
Saving Money in Germany
German Bratwurst
German Beer
What To Pack
Passports and Formalities
Getting to Berlin by Train
Free Offers From the German Post Office
Thomas Mann`s Buddenbrooks
Need a Dictionary?
The German Bundestag in Berlin
Flooding in Germany
Castles in Germany
More About The Max Planck Society
Berlin for Young People
More About Prussia
Technology in Prussia - An Introduction
Nightclubbing in Berlin
Summertime in Berlin
German Braised Stuffed Beef Rolls
How to Improve Your German the Easy Way
German Proofing Tools for Winword
Goethe`s Faust
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Saving money while traveling Germany
German Salads
Traveling in Germany
First Introductions
German Bread
German Do`s and Don`ts
Going abroad to Germany
Applying for a job
Traditional German Easter Customs
Froehliche Ostern!
Bavarian Cheese
Games from Germany
German Sausage
Forgotten German Zip Codes
More About German Wine - Bocksbeutel
Online Resources for German History
German Wine
German Health Tips
German Recipes Online
Alles Gute zum Neuen Jahr!
Tips and Tricks for the Holidays
New Year`s Eve in Germany
Christmas is Coming!
Contact Addresses for Berlin
Christmas shopping for German gifts
Discuss Germany Online - Make New Friends
Politics - As Usual?
The German School System
Elections in Berlin
What is Germany talking about?
The Euro is coming
Cooking the German Way
Germany Mourns Victims of Terror
Shop `til you drop
News, Views and Headlines
10 Reasons for Learning German
Lake Constance - Der Bodensee
Helge Schneider
Online Listening
Online Shopping
German culture - what is it?
The German Government
German History - Deutsche Geschichte
Berlin in the summer
Free online info on Germany
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Free things from Germany
German recipes and cooking tips
Improve your health and your German
Site changes in May 2001
Brush up your German
German immigrants in Seguin, Texas
Ancient Easter traditions in Germany
Easter Traditions in Germany
The Max-Planck-Society
Ludwig II and Richard Wagner
Cosima Wagner`s Diaries
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 29: Richard Wagner
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 28: Apologies
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 27: Fasching recipes
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 26: Fasnet in the Black Forest
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 25: Carnival in Cologne
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 24: Fasching - the basics
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 23: The Erzgebirge
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 22: The Harz Mountains
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 21: Winter Holidays in the Black Forest
German-tips Newsletter, Skiing in the Bavarian Alps
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 16: Silvester and New Year`s Day
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 15: Christmas Cooking and Baking
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 14: Nikolaustag
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 13: Advent
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 12: Getting caught in the Niemandsland
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 11: Historical facts
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 10: Growing up with the Berlin Wall
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 9: Special Exhibits in Berlin
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 8: Granny`s German potato salad
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 7: How to Organize a Trip to Bavaria
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 6: Some Things Bavarian
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 6: The Munich Oktoberfest
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 5, Maronisoup & Kite Flying
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 4: Leaf Greeting Cards
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 2: Chestnut Animals
German-tips Newsletter, Issue 1, End-of-Summer Party
German Frequently Asked Questions
What are Berlin´s most interesting museums?
Where can I find a German spellchecker?
What kind of travel information can I get for free?
Where can I listen to free concerts?
Where can I buy fast food?
Where is the Wannseebad?
Where can I go swimming in Berlin?
Where can I find answers about food preparation in German?
What is typical German party food?
What do Germans think about Americans?
Where can I find records (vinyl?)
What is typical Berlin fast food?
Where can I get German recipes online?
Where can I buy BVG travel tickets?
Where are the BVG travel ticket vending machines located?
What is permissable in public concerning alcoholic beverages?
Where is the new government district?
Where can I buy Turkish products and groceries?
How should I behave on guided tours?
Should I take my car for shopping?
Where can I find information on the Third Reich?
Where do I get the free BVG public transport newsletter?
How should I not behave?
Where can I find information about the Federal Republic of Germany?
What is typical German fast food?
Why should I use the public transport system?
What is a "Doppeldecker"?
Where are the shopping districts?
How can I refresh my German in a short time?
Where can I stay in Bavaria?
What kind of clubs do I find in former East Berlin?
Where can I get a decent breakfast in quiet surroundings?
Where can I see baroque art?
What kind of boat trips are available?
How do I get health insurance?
Where is Berlin´s water castle?
What do I do if I am late for a film?
What kind of beverage is refreshing when it´s hot?
Where can I get a decent breakfast in quiet surroundings?
What kind of dairy products are available?
What do people eat at the Munich Oktoberfest?
Where can I stay in Allgaeu?
Wer waren die Germanen?
What is typical southern German food?
Why should I shop at ALDI stores?
Where can I get info on current events?
Where can I eat genuine Wiener Schnitzel?
How do I find out about my kid´s progress at school?
What is the accepted time period for a private phone call?
Where can I buy Bavarian bread?
What are the best clubs in Kreuzberg?
Which clubs have resident DJs?
Where can I stay at the Bodensee area?
How and to whom do I complain if the service is inferior?
Where can I find 15th century paintings?
What kind of attractions do I find in Dahlem?
What´s the best way to explore Berlin?
Which libraries are worth visiting?
Where can I order hard to find ingredients for cooking?
What should I try to see up north?
Where can I read up-to-date German without paying a lot?
What is the Schwartzsche Villa?
Where can I eat genuine Berlin food?
Where is the Buffalo Records store?
What foods should I avoid?
Where can I stay in the Bavarian Alps?
How do I make a Bavarian Apple Schmarren?
Where can I buy rare records, tapes and CDs?
Where is the Hennes & Mauritz clothes store?
Where can I stay in the Lueneburger Heide?
What do I put into a resume and a CV?
Was ist Minnesang?
What is a "Numerus Clausus" subject?
What are "Suesswaren"?
Where is the Cafe Einstein?
Which restaurants are located near Alexanderplatz?
Where can I eat German home cooking?
Wher can I get a decent breakfast in quiet surroundings?
Where can I see historic medieval town centers?
Where can I buy rare records, tapes and CDs?
Where can I buy Native American art?
How can I save on breakfast?
Where can I find information about Bavaria?
What are the attractions on the Winterfeldtplatz?
What is a Bierbeisser?
What is a "Landjaeger"?
What type of cell phone do I need?
What should I see in Rothenburg?
Where do I find information on concerts & tours?
What is "Topfen"?
What is Tsadziki, and where do I find it?
What can I do with potatoes?
What kind of show can I see at the Deutsche Oper Berlin?
Where is the Deutsche Oper Berlin?
Where can I buy 2nd hand leather jackets?
Where can I get recipes for German potato salad online?
What kinds of healthy snacks should I buy?
Where can I buy alternative music?
Where is Mr. Dead & Mrs. Free?
What is a typical Bavarian dish?
Where is the Buddhist House?
How can I get information on Baden-Baden accommodation?
Where can I get cheap souvenirs?
Where can I find information about the Technikmuseum?
How do I make a typical German bread?
What is the Einwohnermeldeamt?
Which papers do I need to bring to the Einwohnermeldeamt?
What can I do with stale beer?
Wer war Walther von der Vogelweide?
Was sind Minnehoefe?
What´s new at the Potsdamer Platz?
Who shares the EURO?
How do I get rid of a sore throat?
How do I get to the Gendarmenmarkt?
Where can I find out more about the Berlin Wall?
What are specialty Bavarian dishes?
How do I get bargains at bakeries?
Where can I get free potato recipes?
Where is the Berliner Fernsehturm restaurant?
What is "Advent"?
Where can I get info on current exhibitions?
Where is the Jewish cemetery?
What is Unter den Linden like?
Where is the St. Hedwig´s cathedral?
Welche Literaturformen gab es im 16. Jahrhundert?
What kind of free services do German schools provide?
Which kinds of restaurants are recommended for Kreuzberg?
What are the cheapest methods of traveling?
Where can I hacve a late dinner?
Where can I buy organic food?
Where can I find "hip" souvenirs?
Where is the Doll & Toy Museum?
What are typical Bavarian expressions?
Which are the cheapest cigarettes?
Where can I find information on wellness?
Can I buy tobacco in pouches in Germany?
What is a "Schultuete"?
What is the right age to start school?
What are "Frikadellen"?
Wo erhalte ich Informationen zu Wissenschaft und Forschung?
What is worth seeing in southern Germany?
What is "Zungenwurst"?
What kind of guided tours are available?
Where can I buy cheap books?
What is a "Blutwurst"?
Was ist der Schwabenspiegel?
Where can I brush up my German?
Wo finde ich Informationen zum Templer-Orden?
Where can I buy German sausages?
What is "Cervelatwurst"?
What is a "Zeugnis"?
What kinds of breads are there?
What is "Creme Fraiche"?
What is "Schmand"?
Wo finde ich Informationen ueber Herman Goering?
Wo finde ich Informationen zu den Kreuzzuegen?
What do I do if I didn´t register with the Einwohnermeldeamt?
Which university is right for me?
Who buys the drinks when there´s a mixed crowd?
Was sind Ritterakademien?
Was ist eine Ritterschaft?
How can I reach a doctor in an emergency?
Where can I get free travel catalogs?
How do I make a genuine Bavarian potato salad?
Where can I get info on German Christmas customs?
What is "Pumpernickel"?
What do people do on Nikolaustag?
What is the BVG?
How do I make a genuine German potato soup?
What are the differences between north and south?
What are "Ossis" and "Wessis"?
Wie sende ich einen Leserbrief an
Wo kann ich einen Newsletter zur deutschen Geschichte abonnieren?
How can I relieve cold and flu symptoms?
Wer ist Till Eulenspiegel?
Was sind Volksbuecher?
What is "Jagdwurst"?
What is "Bierwurst"?
What is a "Klassenlehrer"?
What is a "Schulreise"?
What is a "Landschulheim"?
Was sind Schwaenke?
Was sind Fastnachtspiele?
Was ist Heldenepik?
Was ist das Nibelungenlied?
Was sind Heldenlieder?
How do I make a German Apfelstrudel?
Was ist Voelkerwanderung?
Was waren die Auswirkungen der Voelkerwanderung?
Wer waren die Hunnen?
What is the KPD?
What are "Leberknoedel"?
Where can I get free pasta recipes?
What is German salami?
What should I see in Aachen?
What is worth seeing in North Rhine-Westphalia?
What kind of specialty beer can I find in Germany?
Was ist die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft?
Was ist ein "Thing"?
How can I find a German pen pal?
Where can I get free German recipes?
Where can I buy peanut butter?
What do I do if my kid cannot keep up at school?
What is "Erdnussbutter"?
Was ist Nachkriegsliteratur?
Wer sind die bekanntesten deutschen Nachkriegsschriftsteller?
What places should I visit on my trip to Munich?
What are the main attractions in Bavaria?
How can I save money buying school books?
Was ist ein Fronhof?
Wovon ernaehrten sich die Bauern im Frankenreich?
What is a "Rotwurst"?
Was ist ein Grossforschungszentrum?
What are "Bundesjugendspiele"?
Is Physical Education compulsory at German schools?
Was kann ich von einem Berlinbesuch erwarten?
Where can I take German language classes?
What is a Rumkugel?
Wo befindet sich die Goldelse?
Which stores are open on Sundays?
Which papers need I take to Germany?
Why should I take copies of my documents along?
Who is Schiller?
What is an Armer Ritter?
Who are the classical German authors?
What is "Almdudler"?
Who wrote "Sturm und Drang" literature?
Who is "Goethe"?
Who was Rosa Luxemburg?
Who was Karl Liebknecht?
What was the Spartakusbund?
What kinds of services can I expect in pharmacies?
What kind of guided tours are available?
Where can I find biographies of famous Germans?
Wo finde ich Informationen ueber Adolf Hitler?
Which are the major German daily newspapers?
Where can I buy rare records, tapes and CDs?
Where can I go on a boat trip on the river Spree?
What are Fritten, and where do I buy them?
What are "Bouletten"?
What do I do when all shops are closed?
Where can I stay in Friedrichshafen?
Where can I buy German souvenirs?
Where can I buy smokers online?
Where can I buy German gingerbread cookies?
Where can I buy German Christmas gifts?
Is "Tempo" associated with speed or rhythm?
What are the leading German paper tissue brands?
Where can I rent a bicycle?
What is "Leberwurst"?

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